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Top 5 Myths About Getting New Salon Clients

Posted by Gina on Oct 26, 2021

Top List of What Salons Don’t Need to Do to Get New Business

Building and maintaining a clientele in the beauty industry may be one of the most challenging things within the business. You get trained in various services, find a great space to work, then what? It seems scary and daunting to build your clientele. You may start to make excuses to why you can’t build a business. I am going to help you break through those barriers and help you find your inner confidence to be able to attract the right clientele for you. Maybe you are in a different place in your career. 

You may have been in the business for a long time and have a decent clientele. Did you know you still need to acquire 20% new guests per year just to maintain your business? You naturally lose clients through out the year and still need to add a few new clients here and there to continue making what you are currently making. These myths may still apply to you. It doesn’t really matter where you are in your career. It is important to constantly put yourself out there to build your brand. At some point you may need to build a clientele and our own self-doubts will start to believe the following myths.

Learn what not to do when getting new salon clients

Myth #1 You need to have a big audience on social media.

Some may think they need to have a large following on social media to get noticed. Everyone must start somewhere. It is not always about the quantity; it is more about the quantity. If the audience you do have are potential clients, then you have the quality. Start out posting you work a few times a week and tag your clients in the pictures gets more and more people excited about having you provide services on them. Your audience is not just on social media. Let you friends and family know about your services and what you can offer. As time goes on then your audience on and offline will grow larger.

Myth #2 You have to work 24/7 to build a business and have no personal life

This is not the case in any part of your career. It is important to set boundaries with yourself and your business. You do not always have to be available for your business or your clientele 24/7. Create your schedule and goals. If you wake up and wing it, it may feel as if you do not get a lot done with your time. Have specific days and times you are dedicating to your business and specific times you are giving to yourself, family, and fur babies. When you create a plan and goals you will achieve them. It does not take all the time just specific time that will be the most productive. You may build quicker if you work evenings and weekends, then over time you can work desired shifts that meets your life goals and needs. When you work for yourself, it should be structured and organized. I recommend using a planner or calendar and stay in control of your life and business.

Myth #3 You are valued by your likes and engagement

Of course, it feels good when someone makes a comment or engage on social media, but it doesn’t mean what you are posting it isn’t being looked at. Staying consistent and relevant on social media keeps you relevant and on the top of people minds when it comes to your services. If you consistently post and your guests consistently seeing it, then your posts are doing what they are supposed to. You are creating a virtual portfolio. Before social media we would take pictures with film, get them developed and put them in a book. Clientele had to be referred to you and see you in person to see your work. We are so lucky that we now have this virtual instant portfolio. Think of social media this way. Don’t think of it as a place that requires likes and engagement to be purposeful. Create a beautiful place where friends, family and potential clients can refer to when they want a service done that you provide.

What do you need to do to get new beauty salon business

Myth #4 You have to be the cheapest to attract new clients

You do not need to be the cheapest to attract new clientele. Your prices should be what you need them to be to make the living you want to live. Customers do not seek out who is the cheapest and go to that service provider. They look for what they want done and what looks good. That is why it is important to have your virtual portfolio built for customers to see what you have to offer. Sometimes if you are the cheapest potential clients might wonder why. If you can provide a service that they can’t get anywhere else is what they want. Look into your business, services and what makes you unique. This is the value behind your services.

Myth #5 There is too much competition

This is argumentatively the biggest myth of them all. Have you ever investigated how many people are in your city limits alone? How many people do services the same as you? I can nearly guarantee there are enough customers to go around. We are our own worst critics. It is normal and natural to look at other artists to see what they are doing and compare your work to theirs. STOP. RIGHT. NOW. Find someone that can be your mentor and search to grow, but do not compare yourself. I can guarantee the person you are comparing yourself to has not always been where they are. Be unique. Be you. This is the key thing that sets you apart from others. They come to you to see you. Make the experience different. Create an experience and services that make the experience unique. I guarantee if someone receives the best service and poor experience, they most likely won’t return. Provide high quality service with a quality experience and there will be competition.