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Should I Get Eyelash Extensions?

Posted by Sara on Jul 27, 2021

Did you know that around 75% of women feel like their eyelashes aren't long or voluminous enough?

If you're tired of working hard to get lashes you love, then you might be wondering what you can do to achieve an effortlessly beautiful look.

Have you ever asked yourself, "Should I get eyelash extensions?" Keep reading to learn about some of the top benefits so you can understand why tons of women have already made the switch.

Getting eyelash extensions applied

You Can Boost Your Confidence

One of the top reasons why people are interested in eyelash extensions is to feel more confident with their appearance. Long lashes can make your eyes stand out and highlight your other beautiful features. The best part is that your lashes will look full and perfect at all times without you needing to lift a finger.

You'll Save Time Getting Ready

The average woman takes 55 minutes to get ready every day with 20 of those minutes devoted to putting on makeup. If you feel like there's never enough time in the day to do everything you want, then refining your morning routine could make a big difference.

When you get eyelash extensions, you won't have to fuss with mascara. Many women are so satisfied with how their eyes look that they don't even wear eyeliner either except for special occasions.

Eyelash Extensions Last a Long Time

Lots of people wonder if eyelash extensions are worth it since they are a bit of an investment. The good news is that your extensions can last for several weeks as long as you follow the aftercare instructions. This involves brushing them to prevent tangles and avoiding rubbing your eyes or plucking them out.

No More Eyelash Beauty Experiments

From supplements to oils and serums, there are tons of eyelash growth tricks you can find online, but it's impossible to know which treatments can give your unique lashes results. If you don't want to try all of these experiments, then getting eyelash extensions is a safe, guaranteed way to improve the appearance of your lashes.

Natural Eyelash Extensions Can Help Preserve Your Youth

Believe it or not, rubbing your eyes is a huge cause of premature aging. The skin around our eyes is delicate, which means you should always try your best to be gentle when you touch that area to avoid getting wrinkles.

When it comes to applying makeup, many people are often rough by pulling their eyes to the side to improve the precision of their eyeliner or rubbing stray mascara on the eyelid. Removing makeup can also be damaging since some cleansers require scrubbing to get a deep clean.

Getting eyelash extensions means that you can have flawless lashes without having to touch your eyes. In fact, having extensions will encourage you to be more conscious of how often you rub your eyes throughout the day so you can preserve them for as long as possible. It may not seem like much, but eyelash extensions can work wonders for maintaining youthful skin over the years.

You'll Get Customized Results for Your Face

Eyelash extensions have to be applied by a professional to ensure you get stunning results, which means you'll reap the benefits of their experience. A great eyelash stylist will be able to listen to your goals, share their opinion of what would look great on your face, then expertly apply the lashes for a custom look.

Whether you want your lashes to look natural or you're considering hybrid eyelash extensions for extra volume, your stylist can help you look your absolute best.

Getting Classic Eyelash Extensions Is Easy

A typical eyelash extension appointment is around an hour and a half give or take depending on your stylist's experience. While it may seem like a long time, this appointment is much shorter than the time you'd invest in doing your eye makeup for the many weeks your lashes will last. As a result, the process is quite easy considering all of the benefits you get from your extensions.

Since your eyelash stylist will be doing all of the work, you can lie back and relax while you get the ultimate makeover. There's no pain involved, which means you're free to chat with your stylist, listen to music, or even take a nap!

Eyelash Extensions Are More Durable Than Makeup and Falsies

No one wants to deal with makeup that bleeds and ruins their entire look. Whether you live somewhere humid, you enjoy working out, or you want to look fabulous while you swim, you shouldn't have to worry about your eye makeup being able to keep up with your life.

Working with false lashes can also be challenging because you have to glue them on just right to look beautiful and you can only hope that the glue will hold strong. While makeup and falsies have to be applied and removed on a daily basis, eyelash extensions are durable and will last for weeks.

The main inconvenience you'll face is not being able to shower or get your face wet for around 24 hours after your appointment to ensure the glue can dry fully. After this period, though, you'll be able to live your life how you want without ever needing to worry about how your eyes look.

Best Eyelash Extension Supplies

Should I Get Eyelash Extensions? Now You Know the Benefits

If you've been asking yourself, "Should I get eyelash extensions?" now you can have a better idea if this procedure is right for you. Since eyelash extensions aren't permanent, there's no harm in trying and seeing if you fall in love. With so many women making the switch to extensions, you can go to your first appointment with confidence.

Are you ready to get your dream lashes? If so, Lash Stuff strives to make the best beauty products accessible to all. Check out our selection so you can shop for high-quality eyelash extension kits, magnetic lashes, brushes, and more.